Welcome to the Hawkestone Yacht Club Beer Can Racing page. Racing at HYC is designed to maximize fun, learning and safety. Many boats come out with friends and family aboard who have no experience and are looking to enjoy some sailing along with other boats and crews.
“Beer Can” racing is designed to enable all sailors regardless of experience to have fun sailing with other club members around our four race marks. You do not have to have any experience to participate.
The series begins in late June and runs through August. Skippers Meetings are held at 5:30 pm at the club house where the course will be announced. Skippers will have to register their boats on the sign-in sheet, which will be used to score the race. Race Start sequence is at 6:10 pm. Start at 6:15 pm.
Horn Sequence: Four horn blasts are used:
5 minutes to Start – long blast
4 minutes to Start – short blast
1 minute to Start – short blast
Start – long blast.
We use two handicap systems, one based on traditional handicaps (PHRF) for each type of boat and the other is a HRF (Historical Rating Factor) that is based upon actual performance. After two races, a HRF factor will be applied to your boat and updated periodically. This handicap gives you an even chance of winning the HRF formula race even if you are a novice sailor. Race results will be posted each Friday night on the Washroom bulletin board.
We have five floating buoys that we use for race marks: A,B,C and two at start line. The location of these marks is as follows:
A mark – North of harbour N 44 degrees 30.003 min
W 079 degrees 26.6762 min
B mark – East of Harbour N 44 degrees 29.017 min
W 079 degrees 26.899 min
C mark – South of Harbour N 44 degrees 28.595 min
W 079 degrees 27.792 min
Start: 2 marks one 10 metres and one 60 metres due south of harbour entrance.
The Basic Rules of racing we will observe are summarized below:
1. On opposite tacks, the boat on Starboard tack has right of way.
2. On same tack, the Downwind (Leeward) boat has right of way.
3. At a mark, an overlapped outside boat must give an inside boat room to get around inside.
4. Proper course. If a boat clear astern becomes overlapped to leeward of a boat on the same tack, she shall not sail above her proper course while they remain on the same tack and overlapped.
5. Regardless of right of way, skippers must avoid contact with other boats.
6. If in doubt, stay clear.
The HYC Beer Can Rules of Racing are posted on the wall inside the clubhouse. They are quite entertaining and reflect the the main goal of Beer Can Racing.
These races allow any skipper and crew on any boat to come out, get in an hour or so of sailing, increase sailing skills and enjoy the fun and fellowship during and certainly after the race!!
With a unique scoring system developed with a view to provide a level playing field for all skippers and boats, literally, any boat can win!!
Come out for the race and stay for the fellowship!
Friday Night Beer Can Racing Final Results:
First Place – Debbie Martin, Trumpet
Second Place – Nick Bolden, Lorna Doone
Third Place – Paul Hopson, Josee
First Place – Paul Hopson, Josee
Second Place – Les Galicinski, Sultana III
Third Place – Nick Bolden, Lorna Doone
First Place – Les Galicinski, Sultana III
Second Place – Paul Grudzien, Merit
Third Place – Paul Hopson, Josee
First Place – Les Galicinski, Sultana III
Second Place – Paul Hopson, Josee
Third Place – tie – Richard Tielen, Anonymous and Neil McLaughlin, Sonas
First Place – Paul Grudzien, Merit
Second Place – Les Galicinski, Sultana III
Third Place – Paul Morton, Allegra
First Place – Neil McLaughlin, Sonas
Second Place – Richard Tielen, Anonymous
Third Place – Howard Nasgaard, Kali
First Place – Les Galicinski, Sultana III
Second Place – Colin Bolden, Lorna Doone
Third Place – Richard Tielen, Anonymous